MA Welcome Day at the Big Apple

Last week, all the TLPs had the opportunity to go to New York City for the MA (Management Associate Program) welcome day. The TLP program is the IT part of the MA program.

At the hotel (The W)

All of us reached NYC on Tuesday (07/31/07). We were allowed to stay at any of the amazing hotels in and around Lexington. I had booked a room at the W. The hotel was very nice and it was pretty close to the Citigroup office. I got together with a few of my friends and had a memorable time. It felt like a short but terrific break in the middle of a hectic rotation!

On the 14th floor at Citigroup

The next day all of us went to the Citigroup office for the Welcome day. The day was very eventful with talks from the upper management people. We first had a nice breakfast followed by a very interesting talk by our Chairman and CEO, Chuck Prince. His speech was very encouraging and he said that there are high expectations from us and it made me realize how much importance and focus this program gets in Citi. Following his speech, our CFO Gary Crinttendon, gave a very different and invigorating speech. He told us what not to forget while working at Citi. He said that relationships matter a lot and never to loose the fun part of life while giving our fullest at work.

Conference room

The whole day was filled with inspirational speeches and presentations about Citigroup’s functional units and our future plans to work towards the “One Citi” goal. Before I knew it was time to leave for the airport.

I wonder how many companies create opportunities like this for their employees. Meeting the senior management people is one thing, but having the chance to talk to them and ask questions is completely different. These people have seen the company survive and grow during the ups and downs. What I got out of the day was that irrespective of where you work or what you do, give it your fullest and make sure that you are heard. Always set a vision and mission for yourself. Never loose focus or belief in what you are doing.

Rope in the TLPs!

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As our Chairman announced earlier this year, Citigroup’s main goal is becoming “One Citi”. We are trying to bring our different businesses under one roof so that all our customers have a uniform experience. This is definitely a long term project. We have been having round table conferences to brainstorm questions in order to learn more about this huge initiative. We, the TLPs have been taking part in meetings and are putting together questions to ask during the CIOs meet.

When we were told that Citigroup expects fresh ideas and inputs from the TLPs, they really meant it. The organization is doing a lot of things to make sure that they rope us into as many initiatives as possible.