Mentoring Program for TLPs

We had a mentor kick-off meeting this week. Although most of us already had one or two meetings with our respective mentors prior to this kick-off session, we learnt some valuable information on what to expect from the mentor-mentee relationship. It takes the two of them to keep the relationship alive. The mentee definitely has the responsibility to make sure that he/she asks for advice and suggestions. One can learn a lot about how the organization functions and what steps to take to quickly move up the ladder from the mentor. Having career goals is very important and having a guide to help you take the path towards attaining your goal is a gift! It is only wise to make the best use of this relationship :)

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I had a meeting with my mentor today and it went pretty well. We spoke about my current rotation responsibilities, manager change and my transition and about my next rotation possibilities. It was great talking about possible project management positions to my mentor who has been in a managerial position for 15 or so years.

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