It is time!

First of all I wish all the current and future TLPs a Very Happy New Year.

Today is THE day for the TLPs.. We are going to get our second rotation assignments. I am very excited about it. I have decided to move from Citi Cards to a different Line of Business (LOB). This is one of the best things about the program, you can not only experience different positions/roles but also work for different LOBs.

Speaking of rotation submissions, we had a relatively larger pool of positions this time. The TLPs at Sioux Falls presented to the Managers what sort of position descriptions and details we would like to have. Thanks to Nik, Brandon, Gil, Stacey and Erin for their effort!

Unlike last time, we were able to form a good network to exchange rotation information and share our experiences working for a particular team/LOB. This was very helpful to identify if you actually fit in a particular team work environment.

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