A different day

At the call center

Yesterday was very different from all the things we have done so far. We went to the Citi Data Center in Florence. Kentucky, which is one of the call centers that Citi has. It was very exciting to see the people who answer my and other customer’s calls. They have an amazing building, gym and a dining area for the employees. Something new which I have got to know about Citigroup is that they actually give back to the society. They try to bring awareness in schools in the Ohio/Kentucky area about the importance of education and also at work. For instance, the employees at the call centers get an 80% tuition reimbursement! Although people in most other companies only get upto $5000 in tuition reimbursement per year…We had an amazing Q&A session and the people there were so friendly. Even the President of the center joined us for lunch and took part in the Q&A.

We had a Project Management Quiz and with all the time I had I could only do 8 lessons during the 30 min ride back to the hotel. I did pretty well in the quiz and was done with work by 4.00 pm.. Erin, one of my friends, cooked some amazing dinner for the 5 of us. Her dessert was just out of the world. After that we watched the movie Ocean’s 13. I liked the movie. Although it had some of the elements from Ocean’s 11, it wasn’t bad at all when compared to O-12. We have already started working on the financials for the case study and it is getting very hectic.. Hopefully over the weekend we will be done with atleast 60% of our presentation which is due this coming Wednesday.. It is a new experience for everyone of us and we are putting in our best to get things done!

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