Friday Fun!

Friday started off on an interesting note. The Directors and Managers in the program made the rotation pitches. We got to know about the positions and the job descriptions from the Managers and Project Leaders. They explained our roles in each of the projects. I haven’t heard of an IT job where you get to choose the project you want to work on....Am so glad am in one in which one can :)

There are around 90 projects for us to choose from.One amazing thing about most of the projects is the flexibility. Most of them were ok with us working remotely. For each of the positions they provide us training us areas we may not be familiar with like investment banking, loans etc.. before we start work on the project.

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The presentations got over by 3.00 pm. I then went and signed my apartment lease.. Adam helped me to find this apartment. One thing about this class of TLPs is that they are all very friendly and are willing to help each other. It is difficult to find such people. The TLPs of 2006 are also very helpful. They are more than willing to answer our questions and Tiffany has done a wonderful job of helping us network effectively.

Getting back to Friday night, Erin, Sanketi, Falo and I went to dinner to this place called “Through the Garden”. It was a very nice place and had a country atmosphere. Then we went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean: At world’s end. The movie was tortuously long and got over at 1.00 am…So if you plan on watching the movie make sure that you have a light meal.. else you might find yourself snoring half way through the movie! ;)

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